• Reports / Recommendations for general repairs; such as, painting playgrounds or recreation material, graffiti
    removal, preventative maintenance and cleaning

  • Oversight and Monitoring of Playgrounds, Splash Pads, Dog Parks, parking lots, etc.  We recommend at least bi-
    monthly inspections to maintain integrity of investment.

  • Landscape Consultation for Turf Management, Plant Health Care, Enhancement Features, Irrigation Repairs, Trail
    Maintenance and Grounds Upkeep

  • Write Maintenance Specifications and ensure the maintenance companies comply with it

  • Water conservation recommendations; such as, an audit and analysis of irrigation systems with quantifiable
    accountability and water savings projections

  • Contractor negotiations, meetings, service / maintenance agreement specifications, bidding process

  • Recreational Fields - Scheduling and oversight

  • Weather monitoring such as freeze protection of park equipment and vacuum breakers for irrigation system